Your company can be outstanding, have the best service on the market and offer a product of the highest quality. But what good would all this be if people didn’t find what you do?
Having a website is the simplest way to be found on the internet today. The main search channel that a person uses when they are curious about any subject is [Google](https://www.google.com.br/search?q=podcast&sitesearch=http://blog.doseextra. com&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=W2c4WsRZysTABLH7n8gG). And if that person is curious about your niche or your company, it’s no different.
On the internet, it is possible for a small company, with an optimized website, to be well regarded by customers – even when compared to larger competitors. It is a democratic environment, but it requires some care and a lot of effort.
It is important to know that it is not enough to make a website available in any way, without SEO optimization, responsive design or outdated technologies. A WordPress site with a free template and cheap hosting will have the same terrible results as a Wix made on a weekend.
nTo help you, we are going to prepare some articles on the subject, but until then, stay with some texts that deal with Web development.
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